
Announcement: One Bite Vegan Magazine is Here!

Yes, you read that correctly… The One Bite Vegan Magazine is now available in the Apple App Store! Download for FREE here- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/one-bite-vegan-magazine/id1325202972

one bite vegan magazine cover photo

Truth be told, I never thought I would publish another magazine. The last magazine I published was a great experience and was very well received, but the costs to publish each month was slowly putting me in the hole. I moved on from it and didn’t look back. Well… not until last fall at least. Let me explain…

My last magazine was not a vegan magazine because at the time I was not a vegan. I’ve always loved cooking and food. It’s been a huge part of my life and anyone that knows me understands that about me. Something in me changed about two and a half years ago. My wife, Jen, convinced me to try eating plant-based for 1 month.

Jen was eating plant-based for quite sometime before that and, as I found out later, it was painful for her to watch her husband and kids eating meat many nights throughout the week. She had educated herself at that point on what a plant-based diet can do for your health and she was seeing the positive results from eating this way with her own body and mindset.

Jen knew I was open-minded to her opinions and beliefs and she thought that if I gave a plant-based diet a chance for a month I would see the same results and make the change to stop eating animal products. Here’s really how she got me though- She offered to make all my meals and snacks for me for the whole month. I love to cook, but I also love to be cooked for. Especially when it’s Jen that’s doing the cooking… she is a pretty amazing cook even though she won’t admit it. So, this was an easy decision for me at the time- If you’re making all my food for a month I’ll eat whatever you put in front of me.

A little secret… Jen sometimes knows me better than I know myself. She knew that if I tried the food for a bit that I would like it, but she also knew the biggest hook for me would be the chef side of me. In all her wisdom she knew that I would dive in and start creating. I can’t help myself… I love cooking and it consumes my thoughts each and every day. It is my passion and I’ve learned to not deny it but rather find a way to cultivate it. Cooking plant-based meals was a whole new creative experience for me. I was using new ingredients and working with new tastes and flavors. I didn’t find it challenging at all, it was and still is exhilarating. Cooking meat is easy and kinda boring. A lot of my non-vegan chef friends will scoff at that but hopefully, they’ll figure that out on their own someday.

Now, I don’t think Jen knew how far I would really run with this. After eating 100% plant-based for a while we started putting the pieces altogether- our health, the environment, and the animals. All vegans eventually end up doing this at some point. When we do this and really find out the truth about what eating animal products do to our bodies and our planet and (here’s the real truth) how just by making the switch of what is on our plates we can have an enormous impact on so many things.

So, after we make the changes personally we start to ask ourselves the question- what else can we do to help support veganism? The answer was easy for me. I don’t have many talents but the one talent I know I have is cooking. I can help new vegans with a recipe to put a delicious meal on their table and help really any vegan with a new idea or recipe to try to keep things interesting for them. That’s my goal anyway. We’re also building a community on our facebook group of like-minded vegans that share recipes, support each other, and help new vegans with questions or new ideas. You can join the party if you like- https://www.facebook.com/groups/onebitevegan/

How does the magazine fit into all of this? Well, one day I just said f#*k it… just do it. I knew it would be an insane amount of work and additional costs, but I think it’ll be worth it. We have the chance to reach so many more people with the magazine and more people means more of an impact of our shared vegan values. It’s also a way to get to work with other amazing vegan bloggers and writers and expose their creativity to a larger audience.

So, to stay consistent with my f#*k it attitude, I want to offer the magazine for as little money as possible. Unfortunately, Apple does not allow free subscriptions anymore, but we found a workaround. Download the app in the app store- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/one-bite-vegan-magazine/id1325202972 Then click on the SUBSCRIBE button. Then click on the CURRENT SUBSCRIBERS button. Lastly, enter the code- “vegan” in the account field (minus the ” “). That will give you a free 6-month subscription. I’ll keep the free subscriptions active after the 6 months through our newsletter. Sign up for the newsletter here- http://onebiteveg.com 

Well, that’s the story so far… I hope you come and join us in the facebook group and read the magazine. I know you’ll love it!


p.s. For Android users- I’m working on an Android version of the magazine now. It might take me some time but I’ll deliver. Stay tuned 🙂

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